Our Services

What To Expect on Surgery Day

  • Drop off your pet between 8am & 8:30am.
  • Dogs must be on a leash.
  • Cats must be in a carrier so that we can collect your cat safely. If you do not have a carrier, please request to borrow one of ours. Do not carry your cat in without a carrier.
  • Pickup is usually late-afternoon. We will text you an hour before pick-up.
  • Please do not feed your pet after 10PM the night before, but do leave water available. If your pet is 3 months of age or younger, you can give a small snack in the morning.
  • PLEASE WALK your dog prior to surgery!!!!!


We offer our pet services to clients of fixed income, those that income qualify, or in financial hardship. Our mission & services are to help pets receive spay/neuter and vaccines when a full service veterinarian may not be a financial option.

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