Female Dogs: Spay: Price Qualifying Price* (see below)
Weight: 2-20 lbs $200 $100
Weight: 21-40 lbs $240 $120
Weight: 41-80 lbs $280 $140
Weight: 81 lbs & over $300 $150
Male Dogs: Neuter:
Weight: 2-40 lbs $140 $75
Weight: 41-80 lbs $180 $100
Weight: 81 lbs & over $200 $150
Female Cats – Spay: $80 $50
Male Cats – Neuter: $60 $40
Feral/Barn Cat Package: $70 $45
(Feral/Barn Cat Package Includes: Spay/Neuter, FVRCP & Rabies Vaccine, Ear Tip)
Click here for more info on feral, barn & working cats
*QUALIFYING PRICES: Lower or subsidized pricing for those that income qualify for financial or geographic need. This requires that you are able to provide proof of qualification with any of the below listed documents:
If you feel your circumstances may qualify you for subsidized care or you
may offer a different type of documentation to allow pricing qualification,
please call us.
Additional Fees Apply If:
Our experienced veterinary staff will assess the overall health of each patient and has the right to decline patients that may not be medically fit for a surgical procedure.
Breed Specific Health Risks: Certain breeds carry an increased risk of congenital/inherited conditions that can put them at a much higher surgical risk. Because of these increased risks, and because we feel that these animals should have a specialized veterinarian that can meet their increased needs, we WILL NOT ACCEPT these breeds as low cost spay/neuter patients: Maine Coon cats and King Charles Cavalier Spaniel dogs.
The following services are only available with a spay/neuter appointment...
Our team is available for spay & neutering your pet. By appointment only.