Female Dogs: Spay: Price Qualifying Price*
Weight: 2-20 lbs $200 $100
Weight: 21-40 lbs $240 $120
Weight: 41-80 lbs $280 $140
Weight: 81 lbs & over $300 $150
Male Dogs: Neuter:
Weight: 2-40 lbs $140 $75
Weight: 41-80 lbs $180 $100
Weight: 81 lbs & over $200 $150
Female Cats: Spay: $80 $50
Male Cats: Neuter: $60 $40
Feral/Barn Cat Package: $70 $45
(Feral Package Includes: Spay/Neuter, FVRCP & Rabies Vaccine, Ear Tip)
*QUALIFYING PRICES: Lower or subsidized pricing for those that income qualify for financial need. This requires that you are able to provide proof of income with any of the listed documents:
Additional Fees Apply For:
Obese, severely overweight female dogs: Plus $25–$50. Procedure to be determined by the surgical staff.
Brachycephalic Breeds: Plus $50 (French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Pekinese, etc. Procedure to be determined by the surgical staff.
Umbilical Hernia Repair: Plus $20-75
Cryptorchid: male dogs, male cats (both testicles have not dropped): Plus $20-100. Procedure to be determined by the surgical staff.
The following services are only available with a spay/neuter appointment...
A feral cat is an untamed domestic cat. Stray cats are not considered feral unless you cannot touch or pick them up. Feral cats do not live in the house with human contact.
If you have a feral cat colony please call to arrange an appointment and to discuss fees (if any)
970-903-7836. All feral cats will receive the following:
All feral cats must be brought in to the clinic in a humane trap.
Our team is available for spay & neutering your pet. By appointment only.